Cebu Landmasters IPO Analysis (CLI)
After the announcement of EAGLE's IPO, another IPO is now being offered at the PSE. The company is Cebu Landmasters Inc. (CLI).
CLI is one of the top real estate players in Cebu second only to Ayala Land Inc. (ALI) and followed by Filinvest Land Inc. (FLI) with a market share of 11%, 17% and 8% respectively in terms of total supply of condominium. The market share in terms of condominium sold, CLI has 9% while ALI and FLI has 17% and 9% respectively.
The company started operations in 2004 and just after 12 years, it has become one of Cebu's top 3 developers in the local condominium and housing market.
This post is for you if;
I'll present some of the data you need to know in order for you to be informed and make a better investment decision.
So let's begin.
Details Of The IPO
CLI is offering 430,000,000 new common shares by way of primary offer, 75,000,000 shares by way of secondary offer and 75,000,000 by way of optional shares. Offer price is at ₱5.00 per share. 1,714,000,000 common shares will be outstanding after the offer.
The selling shareholders are the Chairman & CEO and the Executive Vice-President of CLI, Mr. Jose R. Soberano III and Ma. Rosario B. Soberano respectively.
CLI expects to raise approximately ₱2.02 billion after deducting fees, taxes and other expenses from the primary offer. The selling shareholders expects to raise approximately ₱689.84 million after fees, deductions and expenses. CLI will not receive proceeds from the secondary offer and optional shares.
The proceeds will then be used from the following;
The proceeds will not be used to pay off existing liabilities or reimburse any officer, director, employee or shareholder of CLI.
CLI's Company Structure

Fig. 1 CLI's organization structure as of Dec. 31, 2016
A B Soberano Holdings Corp. owns 76.77% of CLI. It has one wholly-owned subsidiary (CLI Premier Hotels Int'l Inc.), three associates and two joint venture partnerships as shown in Fig. 1.
Key Performance Indicators
Here are the relevant ratios based on the prospectus.
Indicators | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
Gross profit margin | 55% | 57% | 54% |
Net profit margin | 34% | 35% | 32% |
Return on assets | 15% | 15% | 13% |
Return on average equity | - | 50% | 50% |
Current ratio | 1.90 | 2.05 | 2.13 |
D/E ratio | 1.10 | 1.07 | 1.56 |
Tab. 1 Key performance indicators
In comparison with its number one competitor, Ayala Land Inc. (ALI), CLI has larger profit margins in the 3-year period from 2014 to 2016. CLI performed an average gross profit margin and a net profit margin of 55% and 34% respectively while its competitor's performance at 34% and 17% respectively.
CLI's ROA are also higher performing at 14% average compared to ALI's 4%. ROE is also significantly higher given the fact that ALI's performance plays around 14% within the 3-yr. period.
CLI's liquidity at 2.13 is also better than ALI at 1.12. However, when it comes to Debt to equity ratio, ALI wins this round at 0.88 compared to CLI's 1.56.
Bottomline is, when it comes to profitability, efficiency and liquidity, I can argue that CLI is better than ALI.
Dividend Policy
CLI intends to pay dividends and those payments will depend on the company's future earnings, financial health and cash flow. Historically, cash and stock dividends were declared from 2014 to 2016 from its unrestricted earnings.
Analysis Of The Financial Statements
I've summarized the good and not-so-good aspects of CLI's financial statements and come up with these observations.
The good side of CLI;
The not-so-good-side of CLI;
Here are the different valuation approaches I used to arrive at different estimated intrinsic value. These are educated guesstimates only and should not be taken as a sound financial advise.
Graham's Defensive Investor Criteria - Graham Number
Indicators | Values |
P/E x P/BV < 22.5 | 16.94 |
P/E ratio | 6.10 |
P/BV ratio | 2.78 |
Graham number | 19.52 |
Intrinsic value @ 50% margin of safety | 9.76 |
By using Graham's defensive investor criteria using P/E & P/BV as basis of a buy price and a 50% margin of safety, intrinsic value was calculated at ₱9.76/share.
Buffett's Equity-Bond Valuation
Indicators | Values |
Offer price | 5.00 |
Earnings per share | 0.82 |
Initial rate of return | 16.4% |
10-yr. LCY gov't bond rate | 5.00% |
Price relative to the gov't bond | 16.36 |
Intrinsic value @ 50% margin of safety | 8.18 |
Treating the stock as an equity bond, returns calculated equates to 16.4%. This meant that at ₱5.00/share, we can argue that we're paying for an initial return rate of 16.4%. If the stock's value is compared to the returns of a 10-yr. LCY gov't bond, stock price should be at ₱16.36/share. By adding an adequate safety net of 50%, the estimated intrinsic value calculated was ₱8.18/share.
Assuming we want a return equal to the general market movement (that's 12%), intrinsic values calculated using safety nets of 25%, 33% and 50% equates to ₱5.14, ₱4.59 and ₱3.43 respectively.
P/E Valuation Model
Indicators | Values |
Earnings per share | 0.82 |
P/E ratio | 6.10 |
Growth rate | 23% |
Discount rate | 10% |
Value in 10 years | 32.23 |
Margin of safety | 50% |
Intrinsic value | 12.43 |
Intrinsic value after applying safety net | 6.21 |
Using P/E valuation , intrinsic value calculated equates to P6.21/share using a discount rate of 10% and a safety net of 50%.
At 12% discount rate with the same safety net, estimated intrinsic value equates to ₱5.19/share.
Final Thoughts
The booming real estate market in the VisMin region will enable CLI to position itself for long-term expansion and growth by using the proceeds for land acquisitions. This can increase CLI's market share in the said regions.
The company is aggressively financed given the high D/E and loans exceeding total equity. Some may see it as a deal breaker but for me, I see a company that's taking debt to finance most of its assets to capitalize on its condominium and housing development.
I like the numbers I got from the valuations I did. Given the previous high margins and returns generated by the company and its plans to further boost growth, I decided to participate in its IPO.
If you have any thoughts you would like to share, feel free to drop in your comments below.
Happy investing!
Disclaimer: I subscribed to the IPO as of this writing. I'm also thinking to grab shares at its listing date for a price I feel comfortable with. I'm planning for a medium to long-term position.
Can you kindly check the EPS? 702 million/1.714 billion shares is around 0.41 EPS. So which is correct 0.82 or 0.41? Thank you.
The weighted average used in the income statement for FY2016 is 850M+ shares. For the years 2014, 2015 and 2016, EPS recorded was 0.54, 0.67, 0.82. (Source: cli prospectus)
Thanks Mark for the another informative valuation of this new IPO just read it and check also some data and found good things in this company hope that the rise of real estate and condominiums in Visayas and Mindanao would be benefit the company in the future =)
You’re welcome Chard. 🙂
Also participated on this IPO hope i get it =)
Sadly, it’s oversubscribed already. Anyway, If I don’t get some in the IPO, I’ll probably grab some in its listing date.
DE Ratio for property companies is normally higher than 1 or 100% – so long as the reason behind the debt is to expand / acquisition then I think it’s healthy. Good review as always boss! Thanks!
You’re welcome. 🙂
Thanks very helpful..
Yap! I also participate in this IPO by buying little amount of share.
What do you think about the HOUSE?
It’s market is also in VIsMIn but their target customer are in middle and low income buyer.
They are expanding in NCR,.
Problem is I cannot find analyst in my broker (COL and Nomura BDO) that cover this stocks.
So I based my research in news and other financial website.
Hi Blezed,
You’re welcome. I’ve looked at HOUSE about a month ago but haven’t taken down notes, just glanced and looked at its balance sheet and read its business overview. Anyway, I’ll probably make a post about it if I find time. 🙂
Great post!
After reading this, I’m glad I’ve participated in their IPO and have been allocated.
How & where can I learn those valuation models? I’m currently reading Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham & David Dodd and it looks the first 300 pages dealt with fixed income securities which I’ve seldom owned.
So, any tips or references you can provide will be greatly appreciated. ?
Hi, newbie in this topic here. how do I participate in IPO or buy stocks on their IPO? Is it something one can buy not much in bigger shares?
good day.
I’m a newbie in stocks po. I bought CLI in its IPO stage but I was just wondering , up until when should I hold ipo stocks? Thank you very much
Hi Gnel,
There’s no right answer to your question. But here’s a good advice. – You should hold stocks as long as the reason you bought them is still there. If your investment action results into a satisfactory gain, then it’s up to you to sell.
Ask yourself what are the reasons you bought it in the first place. Is it because of its future prospects? Or you just want to get some piece of the action? Are you aware of its intrinsic value? How about the charts, what do they say?
Re-analyze your investment decision and from there, you would know exactly what to do.
Good luck in your trades. 🙂