
Stock Picks for the week by First Metro Securities

Check out the Stock Picks for the week by First Metro Securities in this special report which you can find only here in PinoyInvestor. (Needs premium access.)


[WATCH] Jed Velarde: Investing In The Stock Market The SMart Way

Last Sept. 3, 2016, Mr. Jed Velarde, COL’s Wealth Building Specialist, talked about how a person can actually invest in the stock market in the easiest and most convenient way as possible thru COL’s Easy Investment Program during the COL SMart Investing Summit 2016 at the SMX Aura Premiere.

Here are the highlights of the talk below.


  1. Financial Freedom is the ability to do what we want in life without the constraints of money.
  2. To achieve financial freedom, we need to invest. We need to make our money grow in a way that is faster than what we actually spend.
  3. Inflation eats up the value of your money while you sleep. To avoid that, we need to invest in such a way that what you invest in must be greater than what inflation eats up.
  4. The best place to invest your money is in the stock market because of the power of compounding.
  5. You make money in stock in 2 ways;
    • Price appreciation.
    • Dividends.
  6. In order to profit from the stock market, you need to follow certain parameters;
    • Diversify in good quality stocks.
    • Invest regularly and do it for long-term.
  7. 2 ways to invest in stocks;
    • Be a direct stock investor to have more control.
    • Invest in a mutual fund and let the experts manage your portfolio if you don’t have the time or skill to do it.
  8. COL’s EIP (Easy Investment Program) makes investing in stocks or mutual funds convenient. It applies a technique called Peso Cost Averaging.
  9. Peso Cost Averaging is a technique where you buy stocks in a fixed amount of money whatever the price of the stock whether it’s high or low.
    • 20% of your salary is the recommended amount you should invest on a monthly basis.
    • Make time your ally by investing in long-term (20 years).
  10. Invest today and don’t delay! The longer you delay your investment, the higher amount you need to invest as time pass by to achieve financial freedom.

If you want to learn more about the COL’s Easy Investment Program, you may visit their website here.

Happy watching!

  • September 21, 2016

Model Portfolios: Unloved, Value Play, Yield Seeker, Riding the Momentum

Looking for model portfolios to guide your stock picking decisions? Don't worry, we got you covered! Check out this special stock picks and model portfolio report today! (Needs premium access.)
